Words to live by. Nice to say, effective with rice.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Honeymoon must continue

Ok, so it's now been a whole week since I talked to my boss and gave everyone the news. I'm still feeling good, but just TODAY had my first little bits of, um, starting to worry about whattheheckhaveIdoneohmygosh! Yes, well, I was expecting that. And even underneath all that, I do still have this fairly strong feeling that things will just be OK. Maybe it was the universe and all those crazy signs, maybe it's just because it was SO time and this is what I'm doing and so there should be no second guessing.

Yes, there definitely isn't time for second guessing. That was last week, when I was busy celebrating and telling people my big news. It felt really good; even saw Katrina and she had tears in her eyes for me... so happy. She said, "Welcome Home!" And that was good. Her intuition tells her that things will go just fine for me, that I will find work and be approached to do good things. Indeed!

But WF stayed up late the other night pinning down the finanaces, and started the next day with a declaration of how much we could be short each month. Gulp. I was actually trying to avoid those specifics again; I've seen then before, and they scare me. So, I stayed up way too late last night looking at all the things I have to do, things that I must now be very self-motivated about, things I must organize and apply for and juggle and keep straight? How will I do that? Will I have time and energy? I do think so. Just look at this week! I've gotten up early to exercise nearly every day, I'm feeling much better, I have not been fighting with WF, etc etc. Sure, there will be some downsides, there were definitely benefits from my past job, but I finally made the leap and decided to go for this. It's giving me more energy, more creativity, more joy already, I think. Of course, it's not yet quite "real" and I have time to finish things up and I suppose have plenty of second thoughts, but I will not stress about them, I will not be sad, I will move forward. Manifest, manifest, manifest!

And to bed, now. Peace....


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